You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8Don’t miss out on what’s happening in Outreach or with our Mission Partners!
Vision Statement for Outreach at CLC
When Jesus gave the marching orders to the church He said, “Go and make disciples of all nations…” and again in Acts 1:8 said, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The picture Jesus painted is one of His grace rippling outwards from His cross. God begins the ripple in our own baptism as we are connected to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, but then it moves outward. As we grow in our faith, and are discipled by Jesus, we become His witnesses in our own “Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria” as we reach those in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, and the mission partners we have committed to as a congregation. Some of our outreach efforts have more to do with “works of mercy” (helping people in tangible ways with physical needs), while other outreach efforts have more to do with “witness and evangelism” (sharing the Gospel). CLC is doing outreach on various levels ranging from local to global…
"You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea..." (Level 1 & 2)
- Equipping our members to be neighborhood and workplace missionaries, and to invite people into the ministries of CLC. This takes place through curriculum/events/programs such as Work as Worship, Missionaries Made, and blesseveryhome.com.
- REACH: partnering each month with our members and friends to focus our attention on a different mission partner. Providing our featured mission partner an opportunity, whether via video or in person to give an update on how they are reaching those whom God has placed in their care. Giving CLC members and friends an opportunity to come alongside and bless our monthly partner with a tangible way to help them help their clients/guests/kids/etc.
- Local Benevolence/Mission partners: we are investing our time and our treasures in the ministries of several local mission partners such as City Union Mission, Metro Lutheran Ministries, and New Hope Food Pantry.
- Partnering internally across ministries: outreach happens through many of our ministries (Care/Family, Children and Youth, Education).
- Occasional Outreach events such as the Operation Christmas Child packing party held in November of 2023, through which we invited people in the community of all ages to come together and pack shoeboxes filled with the love of Jesus and other essentials to reach kids all across the globe. There were around 200 individuals who helped pack our church record of 3,604 shoeboxes! Christ Lutheran also hosted our Trunk or Treat event in 2023, in which 800+ members, friends, and neighbors walked through our parking lot, filled with more than 40 decorated trunks, enjoyed food trucks, and hook and ladder fire truck from OPFD. (Make plans now to join us for our 2024 event; look for more info to come!)
"You will be my witnesses in...Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Level 3 and 4)
- Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT): we have members trained and certified to respond to local and national emergency situations such as flooding, hurricane, and tornado relief.
- James Project of Latin America (JPLA): we send a team of people annually to Shadow of His Wings children’s home in Monjas, Guatemala
- Operation Christmas Child (OCC)/Samaritan’s Purse: we box several thousand shoe boxes each year that are deployed to children around the world. The show box consists of small toys, clothing, and show supplies.

How You Can Help With Our Mission Partners
Match your Spiritual Gifts or skills to the matrix on the left to find ways to help with our mission partners! If you don’t know what your Spiritual Gifts are and would like to know, complete the Spiritual Gifts Assessment, email the scoring sheet to outreach@clcop.org and someone on the Outreach team will email your top three Spiritual Gifts back to you.
New Hope Food Pantry is our April Mission of the Month

Host an International Student
Send an email to tsmith@lhskc.com right now

Find Out How Your Generosity Is Helping Our Mission Partners
Our mission partners have taken the tithes and offerings of our members and friends and turned them into life-changing services for the clients and guests they serve. Click on the links below to discover how your generosity is making a difference:
James Project of Latin America (JPLA)
Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT)
Did You Know That You Could Qualify for a Scholarship if You Attend a Christian School?

You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8
Christ Lutheran Church
11720 Nieman Road
Overland Park, KS 66210
Contact us at:
Care Needs: Call or Text 913-346-3454